Welcome to rsa-online.net,
the largest provider of online RSA training courses on road safety according to StVO and RSA21, ZTV-SA 97 and MVAS99.
RSA online training for safety on work sites along roads
According to RSA21/ZTV-SA and MVAS99
Qualification of the person responsible for securing work sites on roads
Save time and money with e-learning seminar RSA21 / ZTV-SA training according to MVAS99
Our RSA online courses:
Your advantages:
- You don’t have to wait for RSA training to take place.
- Your employees can be deployed at short notice.
- There are hotel and travel expenses.
- Your employees are up to date.
- You do not have to wait until the number of participants for in-house training is reached.
According to the ZTV-SA, training for the group of persons designated as responsible under § 45 StVO must be repeated every 2 to 3 years. The RSA team at SBA GmbH recommends completing the training every 2 years so that you and your employees are always up-to-date. In view of the entry into force of ASR A5.2, this is currently of great importance for your company and for planned and future projects.
ASR A5.2 will result in more frequent full road closures. This is because safety distances between the work site and moving traffic will increase. All those involved in the construction work must comply with the road safety obligation, which, according to RSA21, is the responsibility of the person carrying out the work or having it carried out in public traffic areas.
Currently, RSA21 applies, which came into force on 15 February 2022.
The RSA online courses have been updated to RSA21!
The regulations are very comprehensive and include:
- StVG (Road Traffic Act)
- StVO / VwV (Road Traffic Regulations / Administrative Regulations)
- StGB (Penal Code)
- BGB (German Civil Code)
- RSA (guideline for securing work sites along roads)
- ZTV-SA (Additional Technical Conditions of Contract and Guidelines for Safety Work at Road Works)
- TL (Technical supply conditions)
- RUB guidelines for diversion signs
- Health and safety guidelines
- Court rulings in the course of ongoing case law
- Securing loads
- Handling technical gases
The training is intended for anyone who needs to make temporary, short-term or long-term changes to existing signage and traffic routes on public roads. Anyone who makes a change to the traffic route without a corresponding traffic law decision by the road traffic authority commits „serious nuisance to road traffic“, which is punishable by law.
With our online seminars, you have the flexibility to train your employees according to your needs.
If you have any further questions, please visit our „Frequently asked questions“ section, where we have summarised the most frequently asked questions from our customers and the corresponding answers, or send us a message.
Our RSA online courses:
Demo access*
If you would like to get a non-binding, free impression of our courses first, you can access our demo courses using the button below. * The demo courses are only available in German.